
Concealed-Head Studs - Types CHA,CFHA,CHC,CFHC - Unified

These concealed-head studs are designed for secure mounting in thin metal sheets, with a minimum thickness of .062 inches. Featuring a locked fastener head that can withstand substantial loads, they provide a reliable and durable attachment solution. The concealed-head design ensures a smooth surface on the opposite side of the installation, maintaining the sheet's aesthetics. Installation is straightforward, requiring only a milled blind hole of the recommended depth. With the use of center-cutting end mills for preparation, the process is efficient. Simply place the head of the fastener in the hole and insert it using a hollow anvil and solid punch. The displaced sheet metal flows smoothly around the head, forming a tight seal. Ideal for various applications, these studs offer convenience and performance.
Immediate Shipment:NA
Stock Location:In Stock
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Manufacturer:Penn Engineering
Manufacturer Part Number:Penn Engineering CFHA-032-12
Thread Size:10-32
Animation: View Animation
For Use in Sheet Hardness:HRB 50 / HB 82 or Less
Length Code:12
Material Code:A
Max. Hole in Attached Parts:.210 in
Min. Depth of Blind Hole:.075 in
Min. Sheet Thickness:.093 in
Thread Code:032
A Max.:.071 in
Blind Mounting Hole Diameter + .003 - .000:.312 in
C Max.:.311 in
E ± .010:.350 in
L - Length ± .015:.750 in
Min. Dist. Hole C/L to Edge:.250 in

Environmental Initiative Details

Environmental Initiative:RoHS
Date of this Information:Unknown