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Haeger and Pemserter Insertion Machines

DB Roberts is an authorized distributor for Haeger® and PEMSERTER® insertion machines and offers complete technical support. Fastener installation equipment, pioneered by PennEngineering, delivers a competitive edge. Haeger, Inc. is widely recognized as the industry leader in the development and implementation of innovative self-clinching fastener installation technologies. Haeger’s innovative tooling and patented quick-change automatic fastener feeding systems have revolutionized the way the world’s fabricators and manufacturers install hardware.

Haeger and PEMSERTER Products Include:

  • Standard Insertion Machines
  • Custom Engineered Insertion Solutions
  • Manual Tooling
  • Auto Tooling

Haeger and PEMSERTER Resources:

DB Roberts and Haeger, Insertion Machine

Featured Haeger and PEMSERTER Products