Abrasion Protection

Abrasion protection involves the application of materials or coatings to mitigate wear and tear caused by friction, rubbing, or surface contact. This technique aims to enhance the durability and longevity of surfaces, equipment, or materials exposed to abrasive forces. Various methods, such as using abrasion-resistant materials, coatings, or incorporating protective layers, are employed to reduce the impact of abrasive elements. Common in industries like manufacturing, construction, and transportation, abrasion protection safeguards against erosion and surface degradation, ensuring sustained performance and minimizing maintenance requirements for components subjected to abrasive environments.


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Panduit Thin-wall Heat Shrink Tubing shrinks around wires, connectors, joints and terminals when heated to protect against abrasion. Polyolefin, European, 12.7mm x 7.5m (0.50”D x 24.61’L), Black, 1pc.

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Panduit Thin-wall Heat Shrink Tubing shrinks around wires, connectors, joints and terminals when heated to protect against abrasion. Polyolefin, European, 19.1mm x 6.0m (0.75”D x 19.69’L), Black, 1pc.
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